Case Study: Higher Ground, Inc.

California ETP Funding for Training

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HigherGround, Inc. is a premier software developer of call recording, data integration and reporting tools. These solutions are designed to deliver timely, accurate information for analytics and decision support to improve operations, performance and ultimately increase profitability. HigherGround applications are used by call centers as well as by organizations in public safety, financial services, healthcare, government and many other industries.


The Challenge


As a premier software developer in the United States with a unique product, the company’s training needs must to be up-to-date at all times and current.  California ETP funding would off-set the costly investment required to maintain leadership in this fast-paced industry.




HigherGround required a provider to develop and administrate a California ETP contract to off-set the costs of training.  The provider needed to maximize funding, minimize business disruption, and ensure successful funding. 




California Training Coalition (CalTraining) developed and administrated a prior ETP contract with an external training provider that was extremely successful.  This same training professional recommended CalTraining to HigherGround.  With the expertise of CalTraining, HigherGround applied received two back-to-back successful ETP contracts. HigherGround and ETP administration was delighted by the success with cumulative funding exceeding $100,000 dollars.




As a result, HigherGround is able to train their employees in hi-tech skill sets. In addition by relying on CalTraining, HigherGround is able to significantly reduce their business disruption and administrative burden. CalTraining created an efficient and effective ETP program and design for HigherGround for over five years.


This case study is for informational purposes only.  CALTRAINING MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.