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Our Approach: Focus and Guarantee

IExpert Resource and CalTraining consortium approach to Management Systems consulting is very comprehensive, flexible, and affordable.  Our consultants maintain a 100% success rate of attaining registration upon first attempt.  We also offer a compliance guarantee!   We guarantee that your documentation prepared by us will pass the final audit, regardless of which registrar you choose to audit your management system.  Beware of consultants who only guarantee based on the registrar they choose for you.  

The average consulting company will take 1.5 to 2 years to create and register a management system. Our clients take only 6 months to registration.  This means that your organization will realize benefits quickly.  In some cases, we have been as fast as 4 months.

We are a full service provider of consulting, training, document preparation and project implementation (in English and Spanish).  While most projects are provided as a comprehensive program, a la carte training and consulting services are also available.  

We've re-thought the typical approaches to consulting and avoid the pitfalls that can be associated with such an important organizational change.  We use a proven methodology to implementation while customizing the project for each client.  We focuses on your strategic goals, needs and company culture to create the right implementation approach.  Unlike most consultants who provide generic documentation templates, with us your management system will reflect the way you do business.  Typical consulting companies provide compliant templates that result in documentation that does not truly represent your organization. We focus on creating complete, customized and compliant documentation by interviewing your internal process owners. These key employees take ownership as the authors while we become your expert resource. Your business disruption is reduced because your employees rely on us to write the documentation and provide an efficient, effective management system.      

Our main emphasis is to help your organization create a management system that is more than just compliant, but rather providing multiple benefits as well. Creating a management system that is a tangible benefit to your company is more difficult than just compliance.  We are unique in that we are continuous improvement experts with well-rounded backgrounds. If you want to do it right, you’ll seek assistance from experts that re-think the way typical consulting and training is provided.

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