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ISO 14000 - The Competitive Advantage of Environmental Management

Yes, you are probably already compliant with local, state and federal environmental regulations.  ISO 14000 is not another certification of that fact.  ISO 14000 best practices create a systematic approach to managing your efforts to make compliance easier, reduce costs of compliance, eliminate waste, make environmental concerns transparent with the way you do business, and manage all environmental efforts more effectively.

the ISO 14000 methodology for environmental management is a competitive approach.  It provides the necessary requirements and recommendations for any organization to develop and implement a cost-effective system of managing your environmental affairs.  ISO 14000 is an internationally recognized standard with best practices for creating an environmental management system.

Not to be confused with ISO 9000, a quality management system, ISO 14000 is closely tied to ISO 9000 for seamless integration, creating one management system for quality and environmental concerns.  Once implemented, your ISO 14000 EMS will be audited annually be a 3rd-party internationally-recognized registrar.  This ensures that your EMS is meeting international best practices and your company will be registered around the world.

An ISO 14000 environmental management system (EMS) will create a structural environment for managing all of those loose ends and will blend them into your daily routine.  Procedures, lists, logs, regulations, response plans, audits, training… bring it all together into one manageable system.

ISO 14000 Benefits:

    • Protect human health and the environment from the potential impacts of its activities, products and services
    • Improve cost control by identifying areas for savings
    • Limit environmental liabilities
    • Create a system to integrating environmental concerns into daily routine
    • Integrate all environmental concerns into one manageable system
    • Maintain good public and community relations
    • Gain an enhanced image and market share
    • Satisfy investor criteria and improve access to capital
    • Provide insurance at a reasonable cost
    • Create proactive prevention
    • Reduce local, state and federal audits


Expert Resource and CalTraining bring an unbeatable combination of experience and success.  We provide comprehensive consulting, training and document development with a hands-on approach to creating your ISO 14000 EMS from scratch.  We guarantee that your ISO 14000 EMS will pass its first attempt at registration.  More importantly, we bring extra value by creating a process-focused system with ease-of-use.  Ownership of the system to decentralized throughout the organization with built-in accountability. 

At no cost, we would be pleased to discuss your situation and provide a customized proposal to meet your specific needs.   


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